BRS-Engineering- Z Precision Upgrade V1.65[OFFICIAL]

BRS-Engineering- Z Precision Upgrade V1.65[OFFICIAL]


This is the Ballcrew upgrade for the VCORE-3 from RatRig You will find BOM, Infos, Manual and printing services at The system is designed to operate on a correctly assembled Vcore 3 (verification in progress for adaptation to Vcore Pro). Even a slight mounting error can make it impossible to upgrade. If the parts to be printed are made by the customer, check the dimensions after the print, they need to be respected : a bad dimension will block (+ -0.25mm) the assembly. The machine will lose between 29 and 45mm of Z travel (depending on the screws used on the BK10s, the precision of the parts and the assembly) (32mm on the prototype), the same value for the 300, 400, 500. The kit is installed in the simplest way without destructive modifications of the machine, except axis of the NEMA to shorten the old system can be reinstalled This kit is an optional upgrade, intended for an informed public and with advanced experience, its assembly and / or its function and / or its quality of execution are the responsibility of the customer and are not guaranteed in public view. of parameters by BRSE. BRS-Engineering accepts no responsibility in the event of bad sourcing (bad quality and /or bad dimensions sfu), bad assembly by the customer, or bad assembly of the base Vcore. The kit has proven its POC and POW in quality controls at BRS-E as well as at a test customer, As is, the design works with expected expectations Consider a donation for the enormous among of time and tests ;) Thanks in advance This upgrade is part of the Creative commons CC BY-NC 4.0, All rights are exclusive to Florent BROISE / BRS-TECH. Modifications are possible but don't forget this was designed this way for reasons, I'm not responsible of a bad redesign by others. If modifications are needed, you can submit it to For a request concerning a particular case, only Florent BROISE / BRS-TECH can agree to aderogation. Patchnote: V1.65: Better Maxwell coupling approach, feel free to use the Arms or not



