Tetris Music - Updated for modern printers!
I came across this project about a year ago when I had just started 3D Printing. Out of nowhere I remembered that it was possible to play music by moving the stepper motors at different speeds, and so I went looking for it again. Sadly, I haven't been able to find the original project but tastybento's version is more than good enough. I've updated the GCODE to include a small G4 (dwell) before starting and to a few lines that move the head into position. THIS GCODE WILL ONLY WORK IF YOUR PRINTER HAS MORE THAN 50mm OF Y AXIS (BED) SPACE. ELSE YOUR Y-AXIS WILL CRASH INTO THE PRINTER AND CAUSE PHYSICAL DAMAGE. Thanks to tastybento for the original GCODE file and conversion work. If you want to try and make a GCODE file from a song for yourself, their project has info on how to do it. Alternatively, you can search "how to make music using gcode" in a browser.