Checkered Iterated Function
Checkered Iterated Functions Cindy Guzman September 30, 2021 George Mason University Math 401: Mathematics Through 3D Printing For this week, we were assigned to create a 3D Print using iterated function systems (IFS). These system was discovered in 1981 by John E Hutchinson and then became more widely known through the book "Fractals Everywhere" by Michael Barnsley. IFS are "a method of generating fractals using self-similarity". This means that the given shape is repeated many times of itself. For my design, I created a a checkered tile with the main shape being a square. My tile had a total of 9 iterated functions. It was a bit difficult to space each iterated function and I was unable to repeat the iteration four times. I had to make sure I didn't overdo it on the repetition or else the printing would result in iterations that would be too thin. Unfortunately, I was unable to physically be present to print for this assignment. When I tried to slice my print initially, it was saying it would print for four days. This was a good indicator that many adjustments needed to be done, and most likely scaled down to have a more reasonable print time.