Led Lenser SEO Transport and Storage Box

Led Lenser SEO Transport and Storage Box


I created this box to securely carry my LEDLenser SEO head lamp on camping trips. The box can hold the lamp and additionaly three AAA spare batteries. There's also a small compartment for a tiny carabiner. You'll find stl-files for the lid (Oberteil), the bottom of the box (Unterteil) a tiny pole which has to be printed twice for the hinge axis. There's also a stl for a tiny carabiner which is not needed for the box but nice to have. After printing everything push the hinge axis pins into the holes in the lid. Then place the lid in it's place at the bottom part. Now use a needle or small screwdriver to slide the axis pins over into the bottom part. The pins can be fixed in the locations with two tiny drops of superglue. I did not do this because the pins are quite tight fit in my makes of the box.






