Thrasher/Sabre Model Kit (Eve Online)

Thrasher/Sabre Model Kit (Eve Online)


Small, fast, cheap, and deadly, the Thrasher-class destroyer is used in many ways by many people. Originally designed to protect larger vessels from enemy frigates, its seven pairs of turrets are capable of fighting off multiple opponents at once, making it equally viable for independent capsuleers hunting their next big score. Its large number of turret hardpoints also means that one or more can easily be replaced by tractor beams, allowing it to not only hold its own in combat, but salvage the pieces afterwards. Its counterpart the Sabre, while no less dangerous in a fight, has an even more important role: it is capable of creating interdiction bubbles that yank other starships out of warp, making them easy targets for a well-coordinated fleet. This is a high-poly 3D printable model kit, designed to be made on a resin printer. It includes alternate parts to create either the Thrasher and the Sabre, and multiple turret options.






