Adapter for common dropchecker to aquael suction cup
Regular dropchecker comes with suction cup, which can loose it's strength somehow, and has a very special profile. So, I've created the adapter for regular Aquael type suction cup, which is made from better material and available almost at every pet shop. It works best when printed with PETG at 0.2-0.3 mm layer height. Rotate it vertically before printing, otherwise it won't print properly. There are two designs in a pack — with rounded end and fully rectangular. Pure esthetics. Usage: Order is important. *First,* insert dropchecker mounting thing to the appropriate hole (the round one) and move it down the slit all the way. *Than* install Aquael suction cup from the other side. It will effectively lock the dropchecker mount in place. Fill and install. Please, be careful when choosing plastic for in-tank usage. Not every plastic is good for fishes and plants. One of the safe options is non-colored or translucent (smallest amount of coloring agent used) food grade PETG. If you have no other consideration, use it. Built using Solvespace, whis is the amazing piece of software.