ButtonBox mini

ButtonBox mini


This is a variant to my original [ButtonBox](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4942661) There is also [ButtonBox v2](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4942660) It is half the height (because there is no space reserved to put an mcu) and half the length cause it has just 4 buttons, not eight. No mcu was needed since I already have one in a box very close which controls a temperature sensor only so it has plenty of free GPIO. The new interface (and a bit of programming) adds one-click reminders at the kitchen (where I need them most). 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes. The buttonBox needs a 5-wire connection, Ground and the four GPIO-contacts. The mcu creates interrupts for FALLING or RISING on the 4 pins, does a little debouncing and sends the events via mqtt. openHAB listens on the message bus, sets up timers accordingly and gives immediate feedback and later the alarms with a nice voice from google tts. I know, most people use Alexa or Google Home for that, but I just do not trust them so I rather built my own. It is optimized for tactile buttons with 2 Pin DIP 6 x 6 x 5 mm (2 pins much easier to solder than the shorter 4 pin types) When printing, some parts, notably the bottom plate, need to be turned 180° around x- or y- axis.






