Dirlagraun: Carnival Displacer Beast
Dirlagraun is the mindful displacer beast that lives and works with the Witchlight Carnival in the Dungeons and Dragons module: Wild Beyond the Witchlight. The carnival has a heavy theme of animal wings, especially butterflies, and Dirlagraun wears a large pair of faux wings attached to her tentacles and several attached to her tail. She has a kind heart and looks after any lost children until their parents can be found. A sip of the apple juice stored in the barrel around her neck never fails to lift the spirits of a distraut child. This creation is a remix of several existing models, most notably the wonder displacer beast model done by Yasashii (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3828407). You should check out their work, it's incredible. **Note that currently the wings on the tail are too thin to print, I'll update if I fix that. I've attached the STL file as well as the Chitubox 64 file with supports, as it took a long time to generate the supports.