Funtime Marble Roller System Battery w/Switch mount

Funtime Marble Roller System Battery w/Switch mount


This is a battery pack for the motor for the Funtime Marble Roller System lift. It can be used anywhere but the mounting plates are designed for this system. Version 1.1 which will be out shortly will contain a lift system. i designed this battery holder with several ideas in mind. First, I needed to put my batteries in parallel rather than series. You can choose to do either but I needed more current not voltage. Secondly, I designed the holder so that it was versatile when it comes to connecting wires. Whether you wish to use what I have done or connect the batteries in other manners the mount shouldn't get in the way of things. Additional Pieces: 3-way Boat Toggle Switch, I bought 50 of these. Similar to this but far cheaper. Because of the design a SPST probably won't fit in the holder. if you need it designed for one let me know and we'll discuss the dimensions of your switch. 4 - 3mm screws, length 6mm to 10mm. Recommended 6mm. These will be used as terminals as well as adjust for tightness of the batteries to the posts. The pictures show that I used 4 FASON style quick connectors to run up to the screws(posts). This was unnecessary and wasteful as the screws are adjusted to be tight against the battery and the quick connectors were simply behind the screws adding to additional value. Wire. I use what I have which is very large 18gauge. Make sure that you buy the appropriate quick connector for the size of wire that you are using to assure an easier time properly connecting the wires and connectors. You will need to tie the two positive posts together as well as the negative posts using a wire. Repeat for the post next to it. Run the wires down under the mount and connect the two and run a single wire to the switch. Either solder the wires together or twist them. This is low voltage and other than worrying about them coming apart won't be an issue if the connection is not absolutely perfect as demonstrated by my currently thrown together connections. :)



