Payday 2 The 44th Mask

Payday 2 The 44th Mask


This mask is a replica of "the 44th" mask seen in Payday 2, which was released alongside the Armored Transport DLC. Which model should you print? Here's an explanation of what each model is/ how it's different (scroll down for a more in-depth reason for this): PROP MODELS (these probably can't be worn): The 44th: This mask is accurate to the game model, minus hair detail. The 44th (Hair Detail): This mask is accurate to the game model with added hair detail. The 44th (Larger Eyes) This mask is accurate to the game model, but has larger eyeholes and no hair detail. The 44th (Hair Detail and Larger Eyes): This mask is accurate to the game model, but has larger eye holes and hair detail. WEARABLE MODELS: The 44th WEARABLE: This mask is less accurate to the game model due to having more realistic proportions, and has no hair detail. The 44th WEARABLE (Hair Detail): This mask is accurate to the game model with added hair detail. The 44th WEARABLE (Larger Eyes) This mask is less accurate to the game model due to having more realistic proportions, as well as larger eyeholes, but no hair detail. The 44th WEARABLE (Hair Detail and Larger Eyes): This mask is less accurate to the game model due to having more realistic proportions and has larger eye holes and hair detail. FURTHER EXPLANATION: There's a total of 8 variants that can be downloaded to print with. While modeling the mask, I noticed that the model used in-game (which I used as a base) has eyeholes which don't align at all with the eye holes of the other masks. This means it would be basically impossible to see out of if you wanted to wear it. To fix this, I've adjusted the mask's eye level on a few variants. The models with this change are labeled as "WEARABLE." This means they can be worn, but they're not 100% accurate to the mask's proportions in-game. It's the sacrifice that had to be made for functionality. That being said, if you don't care about functionality and just want a mask to hang on your wall or something, the remaining masks (the ones that don't say "WEARABLE" in the file name) are as accurate as possible to the in-game counterpart. As for why there's 4 models that are and are not wearable: there's a couple variants for both the wearable mask and non-wearable mask. These are larger eye holes, hair detail, larger eye holes and hair detail, or the default (no larger eye holes and no hair details) SIDE NOTE: This mask was a request. It is in no way intended to offend anyone and should not be considered to represent my political ideologies/standpoints. Basically, this is a mask from a game.






