Schlage Deadbolt Fix

Schlage Deadbolt Fix


This is a fix for the Schlage deadbolt with a keypad (the version where you manually turn the knob to unlock/lock the deadbolt). I had a problem with the mechanism not engaging after I entered my pass code. Normally I would enter the pass code; then the pin inside the lock would engage, and I would be able to turn the knob and unlock/lock the deadbolt. The lock developed a problem with not being able to engage the pin far enough to make the system work. I tried opening up the lock and reseating things inside as per various Youtube videos, but none of the fixes worked for me. The movement of the pin that engages the lock was always a bit too short from making a good connection. My fix clips onto the grey bar that pushes the pin. The fix shims the grey bar so it doesn't need to move as far to push the pin into position . The amount I've set it to be shimmed is 2mm. This seems to be good enough for a solid engagement. I've included the CAD files and you can edit to whatever you need for your use.






