Ultra Precision Table Saw Blade Height Gauge
Ultra precision table saw blade height gauge allows setting absolutely ANY blade height with extreme precision. Be sure to click on the [Download All] button so you get the necessary .PNG files in addition to the .stl for the plastic parts. Three Vernier scales are provided. 1. Metric with 0.02 precision. 2. Imperial with 0.001" precision 3. Fractional inches with 128ths of an inch precision. Each scale comes in 4 formats to suit almost any needed orientation. 1. left->right scale on top 2. left to right scale on bottom 3. right->left scale on top 4. right->left scale bottom Super easy to use. Just print the two 3d parts and the Vernier scale desired. Cut out and tape the appropriately oriented scale to the 3d printed parts. I use double-sided tape to stick the paper scale to plastic. Let some tape spill out from under the paper in both directions then cover the paper and double-sided tape overflow with a piece of regular clear tape. This both protects the paper scale as well as allowing easy movement of the scale on the parts if anything wasn't stuck in the right place the first (or even second) time. The scales are useful on other tools too, such as on the jointer fence or to give your thickness planer an ultra-precise gauge. Be sure to print the PNG file at the native 300dpi imbedded in the files to get the designed precision. If a scale comes out huge your software is probably ignoring the imbedded 300 dpi setting and printing at your screen resolution (typically 72 or 96 dpi). In that case you need to scale down to 24% or 32% respectively. If none of that works you may need to calculate your own scale but the PNG files themselves really are correct to +- 1 dot in 6" or 150mm depending on the scale file you are looking at.