D&D Spell Tracker (No loose pieces)

D&D Spell Tracker (No loose pieces)


Spell tracker for Dungeons and Dragons. Spelltrackers and health counters are real lifesavers when playing D&D. Especially since using paper is way inferior. Designed so there are no loose pieces you have to keep track off or can lose. Me and my friends use these trackers all the time when playing D&D. *USING THE SWITCHES* When done printing the switches the pieces are stiff. To start using the switches you need to break them in. This is done by grabbing the long end between your fingers and applying force on the other and pushing them onto a surface. The Switches can be connected in any slicer by placing them right next to eachother causing them to form one piece. Just in case I have added the entire set of switches for the board and loose switches of all needed sizes. The print is pretty easy as the only major obstacle might be adhesion. The switches click in the board easily and stay there. Some might be more loose than others. A few drops of super glue can fix.







Toys & Games