eSun Drybox Silica Gel Cartridge
A loose silica gel container for eSun filament dry box (may also fit in Sunlu box). This is a hard print, that will test your printer tuning to the max. I printed at 150mm/s with Klipper on a heavily upgraded Ender 3, but I a suggest slow speed <50mm/s for Marlin based printers. The only support needed is for the "cage.stl" file, for the cover slot, I suggest you set your support to 80 degrees, touching build-plate only, so your slicer does not create a bunch of redundant support. With 2 of my 3 esun dryboxes, only one fits the container perfectly flush (and they were all brought on the same day), but this does not effect the function of the drybox, regardless of version.