PC-Engine GT Screen Bracket + Template (LCD upgrade - RGBDRV/LCDDRV/Composite)

PC-Engine GT Screen Bracket + Template (LCD upgrade - RGBDRV/LCDDRV/Composite)


<h3> Design </h3> I designed a bracket for the PC Engine GT, to hold a 3.5" LCD perfectly centered if you are doing a screen upgrade. <h3> Print </h3> <h4> LCD </h4> You need to print the "Bottom_LCD_Bracket", and then depending on the driverboard, the accompanying "xxx_Driver_Bracket" file. <i>The CS variant is meant to be used with the composite screen with the big driverboard from Console5</i> <h4> Template </h4> You can additionally print the "Screen_Cut-Template" to help you make an outline for a nice cut to fit your LCD (with a replacement bezel). Simply overlay it on the front after removing the original plastic bezel, use a sharpie to draw the inner corner lines, remove the template and then connect the lines up. And simply follow that with your Rotary Tool or exacto knife - you'll have a perfect cutout! <h3> Install </h3> The current version requires you to flush cut the legs on top of the screen (<i>I will do a future revision where this wont be needed, however the CS version is too big, and requires this to be done regardless, otherwise there isn't enough space sadly</i>). You can then click together both printed pieces (there's a snapfit slot to hold them together), and insert the LCD in the Bottom bracket - this should be flush and should be a ncie and secure press fit. I used some 3M double sided adhesive (normally used for phone screens) to hold it into the front shell securely - but you could use a tiny bit of hotglue in each corner as well. Now insert the driverboard into the slots (slides in on one side, again should be a fairly firm fit), and connect the LCD ribbon up to the driverboard. All Done!







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