Dinosaur World + Expansions Insert/Organizer

Dinosaur World + Expansions Insert/Organizer


Insert/organizer for Dinosaur World and its three expansion packs: Hybrid, Water, and Ice Age. Fits everything in the base box. Fits sleeved cards. This is DESIGNED to pass a shake test, and it should. However, with the way I printed (with mesh bottoms for several items -- see my bio for more info), I didn't want to test it. Additionally, since I won't be storing this one on its side, I didn't feel a need. If you print with solid bottom pieces, you SHOULD be good. I don't like to store game components that come with the game in other boxes, so even though I do have the upgraded metal coins and first player token, I have the cardboard coins and token squirreled away in some of the small triangular boxes. You can't see them, but the algae tokens are in the smallest triangle (that hides in the lower left corner). You should have some choices about how you store things if you don't quite like what I've done. There's technically more space for additional components, but assuming that those components would probably include more tiles, it might get a little tight and/or require a re-design. One card tray for game cards. The other card tray is for Solo cards. I used pretty thick sleeves, so I will be very surprised if you can't fit your sleeved cards. Quantities of each file are noted in the file names. But just for clarity, you will need to print: One each: LittleDice.stl BigDice.stl Bag.stl Coins.stl ShallowTray.stl WeirdPiece01.stl WeirdPiece02.stl FirstPlayer.stl TriangleCorner.stl WeirdCorner.stl CornerSpacer.stl CardsSpacer.stl Two Each: SideSpacerx2.stl Cardsx2.stl Three of: MiniBitsx3.stl Four of: Playerx4.stl Five of: Tilesx5.stl Six of: Dinosx6.stl



