MicroSwiss Ender 5 DirectDrive+AllMetalHotend Assembly (Step and Fusion360)

MicroSwiss Ender 5 DirectDrive+AllMetalHotend Assembly (Step and Fusion360)


This is a model of the MicroSwiss DirectDrive and AllMetalHotend for the Creality Ender 5 printer and was created by manually measuring some parts from my CR10/Ender 3 MicroSwiss DirectDrive, except for the backplate that I uploaded here before: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4832331 . It's available as a step file or as a Fusion360 file (.f3z). . I made this so everybody can make their own fan ducts for their setup (although I have designed one for three 40mm axial fans: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4975346). . All rights for this design belong to: Micro Swiss LLC 7101 143rd Ave NW Suite E Ramsey, MN 55303 USA. . You can get the kit directly from MicroSwiss at: https://store.micro-swiss.com/collections/extruders/products/micro-swiss-direct-drive-extruder-for-creality-ender-5 . Disclaimer: The thingiverse.stl file is not for use, only as it is required to upload a thing!



