Linear Servo attachment

Linear Servo attachment


I decided to make this in order to have a smaller more compact linear servo conversion than others I would find. I made it for the intention of actuating the small landing gear retracts I have posted before to replace the twin servo arm design. This was due to not having enough torque well maintain low vertical movement with large side to side movements. This new servo attachment will provide about 15mm (7/16in) of travel for 90degrees of servo rotation. the longer arms can be used if you are using a 180 degree rotation to achieve 30mm (7/8in) of travel. there are two main housings or frame choices. The first is for two linear arms and the other for one linear arm. depending on your needs. With the tests I have done the relatively thin arms have not been an issue. All my testing has been limited to swinging rc landing gear that is 10cm long and weighs about 10g. So far it has worked flawlessly. but with everything in this world only time can tell were failure occurs. PRINTING Temperature- for PLA I would print about 10 degrees hotter than normal to ensure good strength eg. about 210 Celsius layer Hight- I use .15mm also to improve strength but .2mm should work as well Infill- should be 100% for best strength. they are small parts so not a big material concern Other than what's specified what ever setting you get best results for is perfect. Everything above is not necessary though. When you print it you have full control! Supports however are highly recommended for the slots the linear arms slide in.







R/C Vehicles