Vinyl Record Wall Mounts (Command Strips)

Vinyl Record Wall Mounts (Command Strips)


I took the design from BurningTacco and made it better (sorry for being blunt lol). Basically I made 3 different versions (all three STL's) - one small, one medium and one large, lowered the print time and added bumpers. Sizes: - Small can basically only be used for single albums that are thin. - Medium should be used for single albums that have a fold in them. - Large fits everything else. Command Picture Hanging Strips (large) are what I used to hang them (they're the ones that have a velcro-style side). I used a full size long one on the vertical side and then cut them in 3rds and put one piece on the bottom part. I uploaded an image of them attached. You can purchase them in bulk from Sam's Club (I think it's 27 pairs for $13). You can also purchase them from Amazon but they're a tad more expensive there. Feel free to comment if you have any questions :)






