Angled throttle Adapter for Virpil and Thrustmaster

Angled throttle Adapter for Virpil and Thrustmaster


<p><h2><b><a href="">Virpil released its own version. Check it here.</a></h2></b></p> <p><h2><b>Like if you do. Comment for improvement.</a></h2></b></p> Please go to Thing Files and download each part separately.</p><p> <p>This modification is part in the joystick add-on series.</p><p> I modified a Virpil WarBRD joystick so it is more ergonomic, looks cool and can be used as a throttle. Now with a scroll gear to make good use of the free space. The original idea comes from the APU mech in Matrix Revolutions movie, The Expanse's Rocinante, Mech manga and <a href="">this video</a>.</p> <h2><b><u>Applicability:</b></u></h2><ul><li> Compatible with Virpil and Thrustmaster Cougar and Warthog joystick bases. </li><li>Works for the left and right hands. </li></ul><h2><u><b>Options:</u></b></h2><ul><li> With or without scroll gear. </li></ul><h2><b><u>Print:</b></u></h2><ul><li> Designed for resin printing. I don't know how it'll come out of a filament printer, since I do not own one. Please share your results if you use one. </li></ul><h2><b><u>Materials:</b></u></h2><ul><li> a rotary potentiometer or encoder (option) </li><li>some wiring (option). </li><li>Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro. (option) </li></ul><h2><b><u>Assembly:</b></u></h2><ul><li> See pictures for details. </li><li>Virpil:<ol><li> Parts required: lower and upper locks + bracket with teeth. </li><li>Assemble and tighten from bottom to top. </li></ol><br></li><li>Thrustmaster:<ol><li> Parts required: <a href=" ">extension</a> + threaded bracket. </li><li>Tighten the extension onto the joystick base. </li><li>Screw the bracket onto the extension and glue it in place. </li></ol><br> </li><li>Adding an <a href=" ">extension</a> provides more space for the connector.<br><br></li><li>Optional: plug the potentiometer wires either:<ul><li>in an Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro, load the joystick library and follow the examples in <a href=""> Arduino tutorial chapter 3</a>. </li><li>in the Virpil base at your own risk.</li></ul> </li></ul><h2><b><u>Known Issues and Planned improvements:</b></u></h2><ul><li> I'm making a model for a low profile connector, work in progress.</li><li>I made a compatible <a href=""> additional twist axis</a>. </li><li>Best used with a Virpil WarBRD base equipped with a <a href="">friction cam</a> </li><li>I'm using 2 angled extensions and I do hard flying. I never broke a single one. So I'm pretty happy using this design. Are you? <br></ul><b>Use the referral code STAR-TQTV-6RL5 to get 5000UEC when creating a new account for Star Citizen.







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