Pocket "Tripod" for Cell Phone

Pocket "Tripod" for Cell Phone


I created a pocket sized "tripod" for use with a cell phone. The swivel has a cutout that fits my Pixel 5 and the screw helps clamp the swivel in place at your desired phone angle. A cutout for a Velcro cable strap is provided as well if you have the ability to loop it around a railing or other object for extra stability. The base of the object has 3 points of contact giving it some extra stability for uneven surfaces. Its definitely nothing fancy and probably wouldn't work well in high wind (at least without the Velcro cable strap), but it works in a pinch if you have a more or less flat surface to set it on. Works great as a phone stand for watching videos on your phone as well. I've provided the .blend file if others need to make adjustments for their particular phone. Happy printing!







Mobile Phone