Rat Rig V-Core 3 lead screw steadies

Rat Rig V-Core 3 lead screw steadies


These are lead screw steadies for the Rat Rig V-Core 3 printer. If you are using wobble rings please see my lead screw limiters. They are a much better match for wobble rings than these. This option: don't recommend you use these. I designed and tested them mainly to prove that in most situations they do not help. I have published them only so people can test them for themselves. Unless your lead screw is exceptionally straight these are likely to make any lead screw induced Z banding in your prints worse not better. Results will vary from printer to printer and depend on your alignment and how straight your lead screws are and how good your lead screw couplers are. With these lead screw steadies you will visually reduce the amount your lead screws wobble around, but at the same time you might actually increase the wobbling forces imparted to your lead screws. You have been warned. You will need three 608 skateboard bearings to press into these.



