OS Railway Adapters
This is a series of adapters of the OS railway O-gauge rail system. The arrival of a grandchild prompted me to extract the old train collection from the attic One or two are age-appropriate but the gift of a 3-d printer gave me an excuse to try connecting them all up, from push-along to detail scale. Of course she only gets to watch the good stuff, but she still enjoys that. Then the toddler-proof trains come out and and she can do what she likes. Rather than try to design adapters.for every combination of rail ends I have made adapters for each system to connect to the new OS Railway system. There are many implementations of the system on Thjngiverse but my preference is the Timo Novak version which seems to be stronger than some others. Some of the adapters can be used back-to-back to make a very short length of track to fill in a gap in a random floor layout. In this upload: * Adapter OS - Big Big Train (Triang Rovex) and clones * Adapter OS - Faller Play Train and Hit Train * Adapter OS - Plarail * Adapter OS - recent cheap Chinese toy train track * Adapter OS - Brio, Ikea, Aldi and other wooden track * Adapter OS - Hornby, Lionel and similar tin-plate tube track (the central slot is for an electric third rail but I have not tested that). This was inspired by the wooden SHC adapter that I used as a child, hence the photo. * Cable jumper for OS track to allow printer and power cables to pass under a track around the notebook on the desktop. (working from home, you know!) * Adapter Plarail - wood. This one is included with the OS adapters because it passes big O-gauge trains better than the usual adapters that try to correct gauge and elevation in a short distance for push-along trains. Note that most O-gauge rolling stock can operate on at least straight sections of any of these tracks, However push-along wooden trains and Plarail trains should stick to grooved track. Some powered wooden track trains (Mattel, 0-4-0) will just run on the OS track and bounce along the Triang track but will have trouble on the joints. Likewise some Plarail Thomas toys (the ones made in 1994 and 1995 with the battery in the tender) These tracks are suitable for battery and clockwork engines, and toddler hand powered of course. Steam is risky with plastic rails and obviously track-powered electric trains won't work here, although trains could be parked on unpowered sidings. This is a work in progress because it lacks some obvious adapters, particularly for the original Skaneateles Hand Crafters wooden railway and for fine scale track. Source code and better photos to follow. Edit 15 November 2021: adapter for Hornby tube rail added. P.S. Why all the colours? Our UP mini printer is temperamental, to put it mildly. So I like to print a test piece before committing to anything big or sensitive. I find that making a piece of OS-Railway track using whatever filament is intended for the project is usually enough to warm up the bed and predict if the printer can be trusted. Each success is another 100mm or 15 degrees of track.