Hatsune Miku Coaster (2 colors)
Hatsune Miku 2 Colors Coaster ======================== This is a coaster/ornamental picture of Hatsune Miku from Project Diva. The object is designed to be printed with a single extruder printer using a two phases z-hop print. ###How to print it There are two STL files: Miku coaster white and Miku coaster blue. 1. Add Miku coaster blue object to your slicer (I've used Cura). 2. Place the object face down and align it to the center of the plate. 3. Slice it at 0.12 mm without any skirts. 4. Create a new project in the slicer and repeat steps 1 and 2 with the Miku coaster white object. 5. Slice it at 0.12 mm without any skirts and set the z-hop option at 0.5 mm. 6. Load the g-code files on your printer, print the blue object. 7. Once done, remove the outer shape of the object (it looks like a skirt). 8. Print the white object on top of the previous one. 9. Get a very long coffee or several espressos. 10. Cheers! ###Credits Please have a look at the Miku designer page on deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/faysmash/art/Hatsune-Miku-silhouette-SVGs-PNGs-822110687 For more information related to the printing technique, please watch CHEP's video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Sla-vIsvh4 Thanks!