PWM Servo Powder Dispenser

PWM Servo Powder Dispenser


You will need: 1) 100mm x 38.2mm (1.5") OD x 35mm ID Acrylic Tubing 1) 58mm x 7mm Brass Tubing 1) 32mm x 7mm Brass Tubing 1) 3 1/2" Dacro Deck Screw 2) 6mm x 1mm panhead screws (to mount spindle assembly to servo arm) 4) 16mm servo screws Drive the servo with an Arduino, or your favorite controller. Assemble the two small cylinder halves around the deck screw head. One end of the cylinder pieces is chamfered to receive it. Hold with pliers. Drive the screw end of that assemblage into the short retaining ring, using a narrowly opened vice or what have you as a stop block. Next drive the tubing coupler on to the head end of the deck screw assemblage. You wind up with the spindle coupling you see inside the large acrylic tube. Press fit the long brass tube into spindle assembly head. Press fit the short brass tube into the cone. Mount the servo to the servo block. Mount the servo arm to the servo. Mount the spindel assembly to the servo arm. Slip the servo block assembly on to the acrylic tube. Slip the cone assembly on to the screw end of the acrylic tube. ------------ Pop the top (servo block) to fill the tube (hopper) with any granulated powder of your choosing. Use a servo controller to dispense powder as needed.






