Syringe (Halloween Prop)
Note: If you have trouble downloading this model, you can also find it here: Mr. Jack O. Lantern is expecting to come in to contact with many young unvaccinated children this Halloween, so to protect him and his family I have supplied him with a mask and a vaccine. I may have been a bit too late though. He has ended up with many green warts. It seems he's already come down with something. This syringe is a non-functional halloween prop. It has no moving parts. The plunger piece prints separately from the rest of it. In my case it just snapped in nicely to the top, but this will vary depending on your printer calibration. If it is too loose, a bit of krazy glue or two part epoxy should do the trick. If it's too tight, you might need to do a bit of sanding. For the "needle" at the end I held a finishing nail with a pair of pliers, heated up the end of it with a lighter, and pushed it in to place.