


Continuing with my Halloween theme this year I made some very bad Spiritombs! I love them, but I also love to hate them! These were a mess to make and honestly, I am sure somebody out there can do way better than I did. However, in my ongoing quest to become better at designing, I am putting it out there anyway. These two Pokemon models pushed my printer and me to my limits. I hand colored and hand wound spools of filament for the main disc portion and the giant lollipop behind it because I wanted them to be perfect and the sharpie blender trick failed once it reached near max height. I also learned the first time through that it will need at least the smallest amount of infill. I made the disc at 1% infill for maximum transparency. To print this larger than shown, I printed the disc portions and the lollipop holder vertically. I was able to push the model to 136% on my printer which gave me decent sized pieces to work with. The odd keystone is terrible. It is proof positive that I don't have a clue what I am doing, and yet my daughter says that she likes it looking the way it does because it looks like a cut rock. I made my own hollow at 0% infill and then drilled out the four little indents on the bottom to fill it with sand as a weight since these will be outdoor decorations on Halloween night and we don't need a Spiritomb sailing the neighborhood. The piece connecting them was printed at 20% and was pretty stable until my cat got ahold of things. I ended up incasing the junction between the stick and the rock with hot glue for stability and that seems to have done the trick. If using this purely for indoor display and you don't have jerky cats, you can likely skip that and be fine. The eyeswirl is the worst piece in this model and on future iterations I will likely scrap it and just paint on that swirl. The original plan with these was to print the faces in glow in the dark filament which was done and it just wasn't bright enough. If I had a ton of blacklights it might have worked, but I opted for some blacklight paint instead overtop of the face pieces. I do not own Pokemon and will never charge for a model. If you would like to support me and my ongoing quest to become better at designing and making nerdy things, please feel free to buy me a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Mimette







3D Printing