Sally's Mask from We Happy Few V2
My first upload to thingiverse is the stylish, smoothed out and over poly'd Sally Boyle mask from We Happy Few. Enjoy and don't ask me to mod it cuz I'm still learning blender and really dunno what I'm doing. Resize to fit your face or don't, what the hell do I care? lol Edit #1: Ok, so I sobered up long enough to make this thing properly printable with 100%infill and added some holes on the sides so you could wear the dam thing. We good?!? Good! Back to whiskey time! Edit #2: Here is the sizes I scaled it to in case anyone cares, also there is a screenshot of my slicer settings. It was scaled up to 1081.05% X 137.9233mm Y 76.2593mm Z 185.0001