Parametric Pegboard Container Or Tray

Parametric Pegboard Container Or Tray


I hope these will be the last pegboard accessories you'll ever need to try out! Included are some ready-made STLs, but the real point of this post is to distribute the Fusion360 file that you can customize to make any pegboard box/tray size you want, just by changing a few parameters (Modify > Change Parameters). To customize: Open the .f3D file in Fusion 360. There will be three components: Parts, Round Hook, Angle Hook Ignore "Parts" (unless you know what you're doing) Hide whichever you don't want to print, and show whichever one you do Go to Modify in the menu, and then Change Parameters The parameters you'll want to set are: NumHolesHoriz (number of pegboard holes the box will span horizontally) BoxZDistance - Depth of the box (how far it comes out from the pegboard) BoxWallThickness SlopeAngle - You can slope the top of the box down toward the front BoxCornerRadius ExtraBoxDepth ExtraWidth EdgeFilet (Increase this if it's too tight for the pegboard holes) Export as STL and then use your slicer. Also check out my pegboard hooks! I usually print them at .16 or .2. It's best to print it on their bottom, using supports for the hooks.





