Elevated cat food bowl
I have two cats at the moment, Butters and an unnamed stray (who may end up being called Noname...pronounced No-NAH-Mee for maximum pretentiousness). They share a small elevated food bowl which I found on Amazon a while ago. Sadly, that food dish is sized for one cat. When you add a starving stray to a slovenly lap kitteh, you end up with a perpetually empty food dish. There are some purported advantages to a wide, elevated cat feeder. It brings the food off of the ground, which generally makes eating more comfortable for them. And, the wide bowl allows them to eat without their whiskers contacting the sides of the dish, which some cats find very uncomfortable. This bowl also has a slight taper towards the front side of the dish, which allows better access to the food. There are 2 STLs provided here. The first model is oval-shaped, and fits perfectly on a 220x150 bed (so it works on the original Replicator 1) The oval model could be scaled down on the X axis by 20-30%, if you need something for a single cat. The second model is a round version of the bowl. Using Y and Z scaling, you can make this model as wide or tall as you like. The oval bowl was creating by scaling this round bowl at 100% on X, 65% on Y, and 65% on Z. You MUST enable supports for this print.