JJ rebreather head protector / cover for in water use

JJ rebreather head protector / cover for in water use


This is a cover for JJ rebreather's head (divecan version). This does not fit old analog head - battery compartment is significantly higher in the old version. The cover is used while diving to avoid collecting rubbish and rust right next to the head's O-rings. Oxygen hose cover is meant to be installed with 5x5mm cylinder magnets, glued to both sides with superglue. In practice fit is tight enough to stay in place without these. Loops on the sides are for bungees, matching aluminium rails on the body. The fit is tight enough to skip bungees altogether. Four holes on top are perfect fit for Ruthex M3 inserts for extra support between two parts. When assembling, do not connect scrubber hoses to T-pieces before fitting these in - you'll need extra slack on the hoses. After these are in, impact on the hose length is minimal. Remember to connect the oxygen hose before putting covers in.



