Monoprice Mini Delta Bed Leveling Test Print

Monoprice Mini Delta Bed Leveling Test Print


This is a model of a test print specifically for the Monoprice Mini Delta to assist in visualizing changes made while bed leveling. Like many Monoprice Mini Delta (MPMD) owners, my printer does not print evenly across the bed (even with the G29 auto-leveling set). As recommended on the "Malyan M300 Mini Delta 3D Printer" website ( I am following the "MPMD Calibration Roadmap and FAQ" by David Keeton ( In the MPMD Calibration Roadmap and FAQ there is a flowchart and numerous steps to improve your print quality. While attempting to adjust my endstops, I needed an easy way to verify and visualize the changes. I based this Bed Leveling Test Print very loosely on Bed Leveling Calibration Test Object (Parametric). Even scaled the existing test print was not effective for the MPMD. My recommendation is to read carefully and follow the steps outlined in "MPMD Calibration Roadmap and FAQ". When you get the steps where you are adjusting your M666 end-stops, this print will help confirm your changes. There are no specific settings required as the intent of this test print is to test whichever settings you commonly use. The test print can also be used to test the dimensional accuracy of your printer at well. All circles have a 15mm diameter, with a 2mm gap between circle and ring and a 1mm ring. All squares are 11mm X 11mm, with a 2mm gap between square and ring and a 1mm. The center circle is 2mm in height and the ring is 1mm in height. All other shapes are 1mm in height and the ring is 0.5mm in height.



