Toilet holder to replace IKEA Grundal

Toilet holder to replace IKEA Grundal


This is a simple toilet paper roll handler that can be used in order to replace a broken IKEA Grundtal paper holder: the holes are at the same spacing of 140 millimeters, and the wall bracket is the same size. It also features a phone (or any other light object) holder. If you are willing to add an extra wall plug, other than the two needed for the Ikea original product, you can give the phone holder extra strength and be able to hold heavier stuff. The model prints fine in PLA, oriented in the default STL orientation (but it's pretty obvious that there is only one good orientation to print it), without requiring any supports. Given the object usage and size, printed as draft with a 0.25 profile it's good enough and takes less than 6 hours with a Prusa Mini.






