BMF Nosferatu Sunlu S8 Dual Fan Duct
Current version of my Dual 5015 Nosferatu duct for the Sunlu S8. There have been questions on which version I prefer or recommend (Full, slim, supper skinny, etc.). As far as recommend; well, that is really a question of aesthetic preference. All the versions give a good view of the nozzle and and have nearly identical airflow and overall performance. As for what I use, I like this one. I use it for my PLA/PETG S8 but I use the Medusa duct for trickier filaments on another S8 and on a Voxelab Aquila. Do feel free to ask my anything though, if I can help I am glad to. We are ALL just learning and doing our best to keep up with advancements and knowledge. There is no “expert” level. Anyone who feels that way will be shown different a few weeks later. -me ;)