Alfa Romeo Guilietta 940 Sat Nav Dashboard Socket Mount

Alfa Romeo Guilietta 940 Sat Nav Dashboard Socket Mount


I have a lovley Alfa Romeo Guilietta,. However it did not come with the fancy pop up in built sat nav, neither did it have the nice storage box with lid or typically the mount that this dashboard would use in the strange springy button thing my model has. And yes i tried the usual quick and easy mounts on windscreen but i have short arms and deep pockets. (so no money to buy a decent one) I have 3D Printer -- So after a few beers and a bit of design genius, i made a oval tube thing with the ball that a TomTom Sat Nav pushes onto and holds my sat nav while i drive. I desgined the mounting ball offset to angle for driver as passnegers never pay attention where you drive anyway. *No it does not click in so to speak it printed just wider than the slot and wedges in. I have removed a few times and still grips like new. It may wear down with repeated removal but i just leave the mount in place and take the sat nav off as you do these days, can always print another if it wears the shaft too much. Happy Travelling.






