Oo Wagon Chassis (swappable designed for Swappable top)
This has been a project I've been working on for almost a year now. I made these for my Model railway layout and wanted wagons I could make swappable tops for. these have been consistently updated throughout that time and have had multiple tops made for them that will slowly be realized in packs of 3. this is just the chassis, based on the old Tri-and model wagon chassis. if you make a top to these chassis, please try to keep to the standard magnetic connecters so others can also use them if you remix them. Wagon Top packs: - Pack 1 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5065476 if you like this model and you are able to, a donation to the is appreciated, thank you. *Update: Added indented versions of the chassis if you prefer that style. this one may be used more for future models for little details on the sides.