DUINO Coin Mining Rig

DUINO Coin Mining Rig


The following project will build a low power DUINO mining rig using the i2C protocol written by Luiz Henrique Cassettari (Ricuan). It can mine DUINO multiple Arduino boards connected via i2C protocol to a WEMOS D1 mini. The WEMOS connects to the internet to receive coins to mine. This makes it a fully self sufficient mining platform. This project builds a server case which can hold 2 custom PCB boards. Each PCN holds 8 Arduino nanos per board and a WEMOS D1, creating a total of 16 Arduino nanos mining at once. In the spirit of DUINO coin, all the files for this project including STL files, code and a custom PCB can be downloaded at no charge. A great project to get into building and crypto currency. See www.repalmkaershop.com for full instructions







3D Printing