Plenum Mixing Box with Pre-filter

Plenum Mixing Box with Pre-filter


I made this to be used with an in-line duct fan like this one... It can be used on either end with or without the filter holder for bulk filter media. To distribute air or to collect air and direct it outside. Here are the variables in the SCAD file where you can customize it for your application. Everything prints with no support. Print the 2 halves of the damper and glue them together. A spot of glue in the center after installation will keep them from swiveling on the damper screw. Entire 4 port mixing box, as configured above, will fit on a 300mmx300mm bed minimum. The box takes about 9 to 10 hours to print using a .6mm nozzle and uses 103M of 1.75mm filament. // Which part would you like to see? part = "5";// [1:Box,2:Cover,3:Damper,4:Filter ring,5:Everything but Cover,6:Everything] Supply_duct=95.5;// OD of supply duct Drops=64.2;//ID of drop ducts to connect on the outside (if you use 2-1/4" shop vac hose that connects in the inside, use 58mm plus 2 times the wall thickess) Collar_height=35;//Height of supply duct connector plus filter ring depth (if used) Wall_thickness=3.1;//Box and cover wall thickess Damper_screw_hole_size=4; Vane_thickness=1.2;//At leading edges Cover_screw_hole_size=4; Number_of_ducts=4;// [1,2,3,4] //Pre-filter (use bulk filter media cut to size) Filter_ring_depth=10; Filter_ring_thickness=1.5; /************************************* Mixing Box with pre-filter Author: Lee J Brumfield Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives *************************************/






