Ender 5 / TR8 Mounting AntiWobble Mechanism

Ender 5 / TR8 Mounting AntiWobble Mechanism


AntiWobble Mechanism for the Ender 5. May also work on non Ender 5 printers but you will have to check how much space is there before installing. All stls come in the correct printing orientation. You can checkout the cad through the included step file or on OnShape [here.](https://cad.onshape.com/documents/908deba6b907ee6456bf7cd6/w/d17850daea5229bdd44552d5/e/8b7483ed75a6ff4f75ef026e) **BOM** | Item | Amount | Notes | |-------------------|--------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TR8 Leadscrew Nut | 1 | I used the TR8x4 nut included with the Ender 5. An anti backlash nut may work here but will lose ~25mm of z travel compared to a standard nut. | | Heat set insert | 6 | Ensure this is 5mm in diameter and 4mm in length. I recommend [these heat set inserts](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000232858343.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.5a227db0aBLf3p&algo_pvid=caf40e4a-de8b-47c5-a3de-c08464004823&algo_exp_id=caf40e4a-de8b-47c5-a3de-c08464004823-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000000945302189%22%7D), choose the 'M3 X D5 X L4' option. | | M3x10 | 2 | I used cap head bolts but button head should also work. | | M3x12 | 4 | I used cap head bolts but button head should also work. | | M3x16 | 2 | I used cap head bolts but button head should also work. These can be longer than 16mm but keep in mind that it will stick out more and may make you lose z travel The rest of the bolts must be the specified length. | | M3 Nut | 2 | Most M3 nuts should fit with no problem here.



