Polestar 2 activity keyfob

Polestar 2 activity keyfob


Replacement housing for polestar activity key (In case you want to change the battery). There are three different version. - A single color version without emblem for easier printing (With metal inserts) - A Two color version with polestar logo (With metal inserts) - A single color version without metal inserts. The last version is not screwed shut, but pressfitted. In my experience this should suffice. Once closed properly the case is very hard to open even without screws. The used M2 inserts are 3,6mm diameter (3.2mm hole) and 4mm deep. I gave the final keyfob a clearcoat spray, making them pretty much watertight. I got no pictures of the battery change as this one was done in the company workshop, but the process was not too hard. I used this replacement battery: https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000933403474.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.100009.1.23026945Vz0DZA&gps-id=pcDetailLeftTopSell&scm=1007.13482.95643.0&scm_id=1007.13482.95643.0&scm-url=1007.13482.95643.0&pvid=8dbad77d-04c6-4180-9c9e-2220a4f4b87d&_t=gps-id%3ApcDetailLeftTopSell%2Cscm-url%3A1007.13482.95643.0%2Cpvid%3A8dbad77d-04c6-4180-9c9e-2220a4f4b87d%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%232846%238115%232000&&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2210000011286215634%22%2C%22sceneId%22%3A%223482%22%7D&fbclid=IwAR0ex8pZGcUWTZ_w3cdyIYXkj1lTuLYNi-im8y8UxTzF9eLBRbXp8tvsTtk I was unsure if the key keeps its programming if without power, to be on the save side i connected a 3V supply temporarily(Or use another lithium cell with small wires). This i desoldered the battery tabs and soldered in the new one.






