Star Citizen Aegis Flight Stick

Star Citizen Aegis Flight Stick


WORK IN PROGRESS Like Star Citizen, it'll be ready, when it's ready. 12 buttons:<ul><li>1 trigger, maybe I'll go for a double stage, </li><li>1 pinkie switch</li><li>1 four-direction (5-way) hat switch</li><li>1 three-direction (4-way) hat switch for power management</li><li>1 lever</li></ul> <h2><b><u>Inspiration and Purpose:</h2></b></u><ul><li> This joystick grip is inspired by the flight stick installed in Aegis ships in the game Star Citizen. </li></ul><h2><b>Like if you do. Comments for improvements. </li></ul><h2><b><u>Applicability:</h2></b></u><ul><li> Compatible with Virpil, Thrustmaster Cougar, Warthog and VKB NXT joystick bases. </li></ul><h2><b><u>Print:</h2></b></u><ul><li> Designed for resin printing. Please share your results if you use a filament printer. </li></ul><h2><b><u>Materials:</h2></b></u><ul><li> M3x30mm bolt (for the trigger). </li><li>Compression spring (6mm diameter x10mm height x0.5mm wire-diameter). </li><li>Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro and some wiring. </li><li>Five <a href="">hat switch</a>. </li><li>One 12x12x7mm trigger switch. (EAN 4260352722708) </li></ul><h2><b><u>Assembly:</h2></b></u><ol><li> In order to get this grip to work as an USB device, plug the wires in an Arduino Leonardo or Pro Micro, load the joystick library and follow the examples in the <a href="">Arduino tutorial chapter 1 to 4</a>. </li></ol><h2><b><u>Known Issues and Planned Solutions:</h2></b></u><ul><li> Work in Progress <br></ul><b>Use the referral code STAR-TQTV-6RL5 to get 5000UEC when creating a new account for Star Citizen.







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