Espresso tamper inserts for manual citrus press
<h1>Introduction:</h1> Here, my 3D design for a set of modular components designed to (reversibly) fit into a manual citrus press to repurpose it into a lever-operated espresso tamper. While I won't necessarily recommend this to most as my methods are on the edge of orthodoxy, I pull my espressos using very (er, extremely) high tamping pressures. Doing so by hand always risks a bit of mechanical instability, not to mention the possibility of inducing a repetitive stress injury in the wrist or hand. So why not repurpose a lever operated device, such as an off-the-shelf citrus press, to deliver a high-pressure yet very well-controlled and stable tamp? So I designed two different sets of inserts, one set to handle the smaller portafilter baskets of my vintage lever machines (La Pavoni & La Cara Graziella) and a larger set to fit the standard 58mm portafilter basket of my E61-equipped Expobsar Brewtus. These inserts give the user access to the higher pressures and more stable tamps possible with a lever-actuated device... <h1>Usage:</h1> Take a portafilter basket and load w/your espresso grounds, using whatever distribution method you would normally use prior to inserting it into the citrus press. The lower piece replaces the removable juicing cup and is sized to center the portafilter basket (sans portafilter). If your portafilter has a retention spring/wire, it is advised to remove this for easy basket removal. Note that there is play as the upper tamping insert will automatically center (and level) the entire assembly. The upper piece then rests on top of the coffee grounds, then tamped simply by engaging the citrus press' lever. <h1>Short usage video</h1>