MHP LongColt Magpie Grip Rev and Reliability Mod Kit
This is a mod/upgrade kit for the MHP Magpie LongColt variant - files for that are available on Etsy at This kit does not contain all of the parts required for a functioning blaster, and only the dart guide from this kit is likely to work on the regular Magpie. The original longcolt variant files are REQUIRED. The biggest change this kit makes is converting the blaster from an integrated rev trigger to a manual rev switch, which is built into the back of the grip like a grip safety. I find it much easier to get consistent performance out of it this way. There are also changes and tweaks to the geometry of most of the mechanism parts which i've found eliminate binding, improve cylinder indexing, smooth out the trigger pull, improve dart feeding, add the ability to quickly swap cylinders, and make hammer fanning more comfortable and effective. An enlarged grip is included for folks like me who don't like LIPO and would rather run three 14500 size LifePO4 batteries in a holder. Round and Fluted cylinders are included to more closely replicate the revolvers from the Trigun anime. Finally, there's a small dart guide that fits inside the barrel just ahead of the flywheels which greatly improves accuracy and reduces whirlybirds at the cost of a few fps. For more details on the individual parts and how they're changed from the originals, check the Custom Section. Some parts (trigger, sear, and latch release arms among others) may require some hand fitting to get the mechanism just right, but less so than with the original files in my experience. The firing group parts need to be well lubricated (I prefer silicone grease) or they'll feel gritty and wear out very quickly. Heath recommended PETG for the indexing arm and trigger sear - I've had decent results from sunlu PLA+ but it did require more spring tension to get a good trigger reset, so YMMV. Roboman's delrin magpie sear and indexing arm can still be used as well. I recommend sanding the inside of the dart guide as smooth as you can get it to reduce dart drag. It should stay in place in the barrel due to friction, but a dab of glue on one side isn't a bad idea. don't glue both sides or you wont be able to take it apart again. Finally, the wiring for the switch has changed. The original design used the normally closed post and pulled the hammer off of the switch button - The grip rev design uses the normally open post and you press a hinged piece of the grip into the button.