EKO Dual Compartment Stainless Steel Trash Can - Small hinge lid
This trash can from EKO looks really nice but it has a major design flaw on the smaller lid hinge. With a few months of use, the thin plastic hinge gives up and end up with an non-functioning lid. Link to the trashcan on amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Compartment-Stainless-Steel-Recycle-15L/dp/B07HCB9SLM/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1M68HJRKJSW7Q&dchild=1&keywords=eko+garbage+can&qid=1635905954&sprefix=eko+garb%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-4 I designed a new hinge based on the original hinge and re-enforced it, making it solid instead of hollow. Installation instructions: 1- Disassemble the original hinge and save the inner plastic hinge, the 3 (three) Philips screws and the 2 (two) steel pins 2- Print my design with 0.2mm resolution and 65% infill (for added straight) 3- I left the pin holes tight and depending on your printer, you may need to open the steel pin holes slightly using a 5/32" drill bit 4- Using a small screw driver (that fits into the side hole), check which of side holes is the deepest hole (I left one side deeper than the other to allow you to fully retract the steel pin and after the hinge is in position, to move this pin back into its final position in the trash can matching hole). IMPORTANT: BEFORE YOU INSERT THE STEEL PIN ON THE DEEPER SIDE HOLE, insert the screw driver/paper clip in the screw to avoid loosing the pin inside the deeper hole and to allow you to easily move the pin out of the hole once the hinge is installed. Otherwise, the steel pin will rest inside the printed hinge and will not work! 5- Install the printed hinge in the garbage can (now with both side pins installed and the screwdriver blocking one of the pins to go too deep into its hole). First put the shallow pin into the trash can, align the other side with the pin fully retracted and use the small screwdriver to push the pin out into the trash can hole to lock the printed hinge in place. 5- Now it is time to match the installed printed outer hinge with the inner hinge and the lid: 5.1- First, you'll need to step on the right hand pedal lid to raise the metal hook that operates the lid. 5.2- Then insert the original inner plastic hinge (this part seems well design and didn't break easily) into the metal hook that connects the lid to the pedal. 5.3- Now close the lid about 45o and align the inner plastic hinge so the holes for the screws align with the holes in the steel lid (so you can match the newly printed outer hinge with this inner one). 5.4- Rotate the installed lid to match the inner and outer lid (the 2 guiding pins will help to align but they are fragile (one of mine broke). But use the screws to guide and match the inner with the outer hinges. 5.5- And voilá! Your hinge will work again and last longer that the OEM one as this is much stronger!