Ender 3 Status lamp

Ender 3 Status lamp


I have created a lamp for the ender 3 that shows the printing status, its especially usefull when you have a printing farm or you want to check if the 3D object its ready #OBJECTS: -body -> you have to coil the neopixel/RGB strip in the middle part -lamp -> used to difuse the light #MARLIN CHANGES: You should uncomment the follow line in marlin: define NEOPIXEL_LED if you have a ada fruit neopixel led strip define RGB_LED if you have a normal led strip #ADDITIONAL OBJECTS: You also need two 5mm screw to mount the body to the frame Be free to add new desings to de side of the lamp , one usefull one if you have more than one printer its to mark them with numbers. Thanks for dowloading =)



