5 Gallon Water Container Cap

5 Gallon Water Container Cap


Remixed from design #1966669. That is a good design but a smaller size and I didn't need the hole-in-the-middle version, which is typical for the inverted-bottle style gravity dispensers, since my dispenser uses a pump mechanism that has a intake tube that goes to the bottom. So I simply needed a cap without the hole. I formerly used the original pop-off cap that it came with and sealed the hole with a piece of rubberized foam which also acted like a gasket. But it had cracked by repeated removal over time and was not sealing in the water effectively during transport. So I remixed this in Tinkercad, removing the hole, and resizing it to my bottle, having measured it with some calipers. I also added a ridge or protrusion that makes it easier to remove the cap. The old cap was a pain to remove by digging your fingernails under the edge and pulling until it popped off. This ridge makes it pop off easy. I printed it in black flexible TPU filament by Preline. So its tough but flexible enough to pop off and on around the opening of the bottle.



