Smart Pixel Holder
This is used to make a straight line of RGB Smart Pixels used in an outdoor Christmas display. Pixel spacing is three inches. Hole for pixel was sized for eSun PLA+. Inner hole has a ridge that helps capture the pixel. I also made some some from eSun Transparent PLA (Not the plus). Ridge on inner hole was not as pronounced but it worked. Used same Cura settings for both. Included are two long strips that hold 4 pixels and one single piece. I am going to use two sided adhesive tape to hold it to my house. I have been experimenting with three different types of tape. Goal is for easy removal (I live in a condo with some strict rules). Tape one is just a craft type. Number two is automotive tape used to hold trim pieces and number three is Command tape that is used to mount pictures etc. to walls. To my surprise the Command has been doing a good job but the test is far from over. I believe the automotive tape will win. Its just a matter of cost and removal. There are two long strips, one has extra area for the tape in case I need some extra holding power. Also included is a one hole pixel strip for where the line ends at a not divisible by 4 place. Ends easily fit together via post and hole method which provided alignment. Printed on a Creality CR10S.