Walker Grabber Clip
This is a customizable clip, to hold an assistive device (grabber) to a mobility device (walker). <p> <B>You will need to customize it for your specific application.</B> I don't think there is enough consistency between tool manufacturers to just print this and hope it fits. </p><p> I came up to assist my mother while she recovers from knee replacement surgery. Two of the tools she got were a walker, and a grabber tool. Unfortunately, the grabber tool only came with an unusable clip (the yellow one). There was nowhere on her walker that the round part of the clip would fit. </p><p> Since I knew that I'd be there for more than a few days, I brought along a computer to work on, and my 3D printer (modded Ender 3). </p><p> You can see the main sketch in one of the photos. It is also included in the Fusion 360 f3d file. </p><p> The diameter for the round part is d4 (25.5mm to fit on a 25mm tube). </p><p> D1 and D2 are the dimensions of the rectangular shape of the grabber. (15.25 for the around a 14.5mm side; 13.00 for the 12.5mm side). Switching those dimensions allows for a 90 degree orientation change of the grabber. You can see that I tried both orientations on the first few tries. </p><p> All of the thicknesses are controlled by size at the top left corner of the box section (dimension d3). </p><p> The clip's teeth are controlled by the box section at the bottom left (d10 = d3 + 2 mm). </p><p> I applied fillets to all the surfaces that aren't directly contacting metal, so it will fit well. </p><p> For her specific need, 0.50mm larger than the dimension was enough to clip easily, and still hold on. The other sizes shown were some of the tests. With the thickness pretty thin (3mm), it had enough flexibility to clip on without breaking. The thickest one just wouldn't flex enough to clip on. </p><p> As made for her application, it pulls off the round section of the walker, so it's easy to take off and put back on. She was having problems with sliding, just from the weight of the grabber and motion while walking. She found it easiest to hook the grasping section across the walker's lower bar. </p><p> To make it stable in position, we could have mounted it horizontally, but that was wider than the whole walker, which would just make it difficult to navigate in the house. </p><p> When we clipped it on the first time, there was a sound of filament cracking. I assume it's some of the interior layers. After that initial sound, it didn't crack again. I guess it's just enough to make it fit, but won't repeatedly crack. </p><p> Cat tax paid in full in first image.