Small storage system with slide locks

Small storage system with slide locks


This is a complete remodel of [Small storage system]( by CaptainObvious. I loved the original screw boxes, but I'm always paranoid handling them, as the catch doesn't keep it closed very tight. So this version includes a slide-lock to keep the box securely closed. The slide-locks in this design are basically a pair of dovetail joints. The tapered slides keep the slide from falling off even with the lid open. They can come free, but they are simple to re-attach. See the original thing posting for the bins, which are fully compatible with this version of the box. Though I also remodelled the bins in my OnShape documents, it didn't seem necessary to post them as I made no changes to the design. As with the original, the box sizes are a grid system based on 38mm sections. I've uploaded most of the compatible box sizes that were included in the original. In this version, the width can only go down to a width of 3 units for the front/back, as any narrower doesn't leave room to install the slide locks from the middle without changing the size of the slides. As the original did not include CAD files, I used the STL as a reference and go as close as I could. This re-modelled version is available on [OnShape]( The model is heavily parameterized, but not all parameters are reasonable to change. To get the variety of sizes in the STL attached, only "UnitWidth" and "UnitLength" were changed. # Slicing and Printing The STL files are all in the orientation they were modelled in, but these may not be the best orientation for printing. The design works well with a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layers. The tolerances on the slide locks are very tight, so differing settings may encounter some difficulty, though I have not tested. **Slide-locks:** I printed without any support, with the flat outside-facing surface against the print bed. **Lid:** Printed with support, rotated so that the top of the lid was against the print bed. On my printer, supports were only needed for the lock slides, as they are a complete overhang, so I set auto-generated supports for 50° in Cura. This kept supports from being generated for hinges, bevels, or the inset portion of the sides. **Box:** Standard orientation should be correct, with the bottom of the box against the build plate. Again, supports are needed for the lock slides only. # Assembly You'll need 2xSlides (all sizes listed use the same Slide) and a matching size Lid and Box. Use a piece of 1.75mm filament as a hinge pin. You can optionally melt the ends of the filament or glue them in place, as they do tend to slide out a bit with use. Slides are installed from the middle, with the lid open. Tolerance can be quite tight the first time but usually loosens up with use. If the slide on the box is a little deformed from the supports, it may need to be trimmed slightly before it will fit. # Downloads There have been a number of complaints that downloads are not working. This only applies to the "Download All" link for a unified zip file - individual file downloads still work fine. This does not seem to be unique to this project, and I'm not aware of any way to fix this as a user. I look forward to any news at all from Thingiverse about this.



