Black Powder Holder

Black Powder Holder


This are containers to bring extra black powder pellets, sabots and primers with you during deer season. The BP + Sabot Holder and BP + Sabot Holder Lid hold two sabots (sabot and projectile) and four 777 pellets. You can glue them together as one piece or keep them separate. The BP Primer Holder and BP Primer Holder Lid are pretty much the same thing as the other but a lot smaller just to hold primers. I tied a string on the side and through the hole on the lids. Knotted them off. I used brims and supports. Red PLA for the ammo containers and black for the primer container. Let's see your pix with these in your tree stands! * remixed to add string holders, holes in the lids and size + added small notch to line them up if you glue them together. ////////////////////////// The #11 container is to store your #11 percussion caps.



